Reopening Plan Public Comments/Suggestions

Reopening Plan Public Comments/Suggestions

Traditional instructional Model:

Schools will return to a traditional 5 days week schedule with all students and staff returning

• Distance learning will be provided for those who do not feel safe with their students returning to face-to-face, traditional instruction.

Safety Precautions:

• ACSD will teach and reinforce good hygiene measures such as handwashing, and covering coughs

• Face masks/coverings will be required for students and staff

• Students and staff are encouraged to bring face coverings/masks to use from home. ACSD will also provide masks for those who need them

• Hand sanitizer will be provided in all classrooms, hallways and entryways

• All frequently touched surfaces will be Cleaned/disinfected daily and shared objects will be disinfected after each use

• Water fountains will be turned off students and staff may bring water bottles from home

• Water bottle filling stations will be available on campuses

• ACSD will conduct deep cleaning of schools prior to students/staff returning

• All students and staff will be screened prior to them entering buildings (Isolate and send home anyone who has an internal temperature over 100.4° F)

• Ventilation systems will be checked for proper operation and ACSD will increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible

• Students will be discouraged from congregating in parking lots and common areas

• Schedules will be staggered for large group gatherings (i.e. recess and school meals)

• Maximize social distancing between desks within the classroom

• Transition times will be staggered for secondary schools

• There will be limited transitions in elementary schools

Transportation of Students:

• Parents are encouraged to transport their students to school to limit the number of students on school buses

• Hand sanitizer will be provided for students and bus drivers

• Face masks/coverings will be required for students and bus drivers

• Students will have their temperature checked as they load the school bus.

• Busses will be disinfected after the conclusion of each route (morning and afternoon)

• Spaced seating will be utilized (to the extent practicable)

• Field trips will be eliminated Serving meals in cafeterias with:

• Spaced serving lines (marked on floors)

• Spaced seating (utilize outdoor space as practicable and appropriate)

• Meals will be served within the elementary classrooms

• Longer meal periods for more staggered meal delivery in secondary schools

High School Athletics:

Follow Mississippi High School Athletic Association guidelines for sporting events and practices

Visitors to Campus:

• Protocols will be in place for visitors on each school campus: calling front office before entering, screening visitors, requiring the use of face coverings/masks, etc. Restrict nonessential visitors and volunteers.