(662) 289-2801 100 Courthouse Building Suite 3


About Long Creek Elementary

Long Creek Elementary School is located in Sallis, MS and has a student population of approximately 300 students in grades pre-k through 6th. Our mission is to become a top-ranked learning community that produces lifelong learners. Our Academic instruction is aligned with the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards. It is the vision at LCE for all students to meet or exceed state standards; possess reading, writing, and math skills at or above grade level, and show respect for them selves and others.

Our faculty and staff are caring, competent, knowledgeable, and work diligently to provide a safe, supportive environment in order to enhance student achievement.

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District Events


MLK Jr Holiday

All Day Event


Progress Reports

All Day Event


Board Meeting

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

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